🚫❗️ Why neopronouns and xenogenders are transphobic and why you shouldn’t support or use them: A thread ❗️🚫
first of all, anyone who doesn’t read the thread before replying will be ignored or blocked. Adult behavior is expected but unfortunately i know how people act. If you cannot be mature, don’t reply. You won’t get a reply back. I didn’t turn off replies because y’all trigger me-
or whatever. It was clogging my mentions last time and it was annoying because it was spam that wasn’t from my moots. That’s about it. If you want to respond, retweet or dm.
Second, I am: Neurodivergent, disabled, transgender, and 19. When i go into the autism part of this, it will be in quotes because my boyfriend is autistic. So no “you’re ablelist” (i’ll also debunk how that argument isn’t valid). If you say that without proof that can genuinely
prove me wrong (something no one has ever done factually without me proving wrong easily because neopronouns are not valid) then you will be blocked. I don’t care.
The first argument i’ve seen the most is the “they make people comfortable so why do you care?” i care because neopronouns make real transgender people look ridiculous. Trans people just want to be accepted by actual society, trans people are dying daily, and trump is making it
to where our medical care is being legally rejected because we are trans. Even for regular check ups. We want to be seen as human beings and things such as “stargender” and “autismgender” are making the real trans people look like we are insane. You are invalidating trans people.
The second argument is that neopronouns have been around since 1934. I’ve been told that a man named Charles Crozat invented them but a 5 minute google search disproves that entire argument to shreds. Charles Crozat suggested the pronouns “thon/thonself” as a gender neutral term
not as a neopronoun. At the time, gender neutral terms for one person didn’t exist. He invented such a pronoun as a legal term not as a “neurodivergent” thing. He wasn’t neurodivergent either. It was legal, and no one even used the pronouns and eventually they died out.
Another argument is that people who use neopronouns are neurodivergent and experience gender differently. However, this argument is made useless by the fact that if you are not cis, you would of course experience gender differently. The experience of feeling gender differently
than cis people is not a gender. Along with this argument a lot of people slip inside and identify as something called “Autismgender”. “A complex relationship with gender is not a gender. And it’s ableist to say it’s a neurodivergent exclusive club. It’s ableist to identify as
your developmental disorder or to say that claiming the fact that neopronouns and xenogenders are transphobic is ableist is just false.”
“Non binary people don’t owe you they/them pronouns.”
No, non-binary people don’t have to use they/them. There’s also he/him and she/her for masculine leaning enbys and feminine leaning enbys (if you identify inside the binary, it is also possible to identify out of it,
such as having no gender, hence gender neutral pronouns) There is already a set of gender neutral pronouns though if they want to use gender neutral pronouns.

Among that, neopronouns make non-binary people’s struggle even worse. People hardly are able to accept they/them
pronouns and they claim it doesn’t make grammatical sense when it literally does. Bringing in a whole new and seemingly endless set of made up pronouns is harmful to them as well. Among everything, its enbyphobic.
“Neopronouns are made up but so is everything in the human language.”
On the very neopronoun list wiki, they credit a tumblr user from 2014 as making up the first neopronouns, yes first. the use of the word neopronouns wasnt coined till 2014 tumblr. the neopronouns you all say
have been around for 200 years were made for legal terms and was replaced by the more common use of singlar they (the english language’s accepted gender neutral pronoun) . Anyway as I was saying, just simply making up words is not how language works. You don’t simply make up a
random word and claim it as a real word. I can make up a word. I’ll do it right now. Slimp. That’s a word that means “Neopronouns are now invalid”. See? Now it’s a real word. That’s what you sound like.
Also apparently according to urban dictionary, a slimp is a mega simp. LMAO.
Neopronouns and xenogenders invalidate transgender and enby people not just by making them look foolish, but by stealing medical resources. If you are not transgender, you do not need to be starting testosterone or estrogen or getting surgeries. You are blocking the waiting list.
I was on a waiting list for 2 years for testosterone and the current waiting list for my boyfriend (w dysphoric trans man) is at least a year. Do you know why? People who do not have dysphoria blocking the waiting list. Do not hog the waiting list if you are not transgender you
are stealing recourses from real transgender people and you are harming the people who are actually in need of it. For anyone who will indeed mention it, gender incongruity is the exact same thing as dysphoria. You need dysphoria to be trans. It is both a medical and psychologica
fact. You will not get chemotherapy if you don’t have cancer.
psychological dysphoria (gender incongruence) and body dysphoria are both forms of dysphoria and make you trans. But for transgender people without body dysmorphia, maybe stop being selfish and think for a second that these resources could be used to help body dysphoric trans
people who NEED it maybe a tiny bit more than you.
you are a still valid trans person. but if don’t have body dysphoria, maybe think for a second. this is not just for cosmetics. people kill themselfs over this, and i think that’s a bit more important than your gender euphoria.
what does this have to do with neopronouns? well many of you are trans with psychological or body dysphoria, this isn’t meant to invalidate that. however neopronouns perpetuate the stigma of “non dysphoric trans people” which is blatant misinformation and leads to a foggier
definition of transness where a solid definition is needed for medicines sake and legalities sake. this isn’t a game.
this isn’t to say people can’t experiment with gender, it’s important too especially for young trans people. but these labels lead to another stigma where people think EVERYTHING needs to be labeled. it doesn’t. if we nuanced everything, language would no longer be an efficient
way to communicate. Among that, you are aiding in medical malpractice when you take medical things not meant for cis people. Taking medicine that is not meant for you will give you dysphoria and you could possibly kill yourself or have life altering changes that harm you.
If we attempt to add the millions of made up pronouns for these made up genders, the basis of what language is (and this post is talking about English) falls apart. We will waste time and cause issues trying to memorize thousands of made up pronouns. It’s a defeat of language.
If you want to use made up pronouns, you cannot get upset when someone refuses to use them or questions the psychological basis of both your gender and identity as you did make it up. That isn’t how gender works either.
Important to note is that this post is speaking about ENGLISH. I speak very minimal spanish and chinese, and my boyfriend speaks German, but we’re talking about English here. And using gender neutral pronouns from different languages is not neopronouns.
in conclusion, if after reading this, you still want to use neopronouns/defend them, you do you i guess. i cant stop you and if you’re that rooted in your ways there’s doubtfully any amount of facts or science that will change your mind. and if you’re comfortable living that
ignorant type of lifestyle, that’s your problem, not mine. just know you’re invalidating transgender people and nerodivergent people alike by perpetuating these frankly ridiculous ideas. gender machine go brrrr or whatever you want to say to defend their usage.
if you still want to use them, don’t expect others to conform to your made up words outside your small collective. with singular they as a gender neutral term, making more gender neutral pronouns is confusing and redundant. at that point i’ll just call you by your name.
PS: me and my friends think it’s really funny when y’all are like “um he claims he’s punk but he invalidates people 😢” i don’t think y’all know what actual punk means or is. it isn’t uwu soft boys. but please make those replies they’re really funny LADNQJDHAD
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