Contemplating Allah's mercy can be overwhelming, simply because the more you ponder it the more you realize you don't deserve it. One of these mercies is the very consciousness you and I inhabit yer never think about. Here's a few thoughts I have.

There's a beautiful rose in my garden, indescribable in its nature, striking an almost soothing feeling inside of me. Why does it feel like something to see red? What is this Qualia that seems so inexplicable yet is part of the natural world.
This world didn't have to have these experiences. We could have all been a mindless automaton strolling away in the planet like a complicated Mars rover. Yet, God has given us this remarkable ability to feel nature, relate to it, and capture qualitative experiences.
The sweet taste of a date in my mouth, the aromas of musk, the sounds of the tranquil rain dropping on the leaves, and the smooth touch of silk on one's fingers. All of these experiences we take for granted when we could have been emotionless, tasteless, and paralyzed.
What's striking to me is that the most salient, obvious and taken for granted features of the world are also the most inexplicable, unexplained, and miraculous.

Yet, without ever contemplating them we never come to realize how amazing they truly are.
We don't just owe Allah (swt) for a specific blessing in the form of wealth, health or some other material possession. The very fact that we can experience them, have awareness of themselves, and hence exist is itself a blessing. We're not entitled to any of this.

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