I am in a Merlin Goetia mood so for for every like this get i will post 1 fact about that magical dog gal
she says she's a wolf-folk, and she probably is, but her fauna form just looks like a horse-sized pomeranian
her last name is "Goetia" because she claims to have the entire roster of the Ars Goetia in her command, but in actually, they're just random ass spirits she summoned for shits n giggles
but in ACTUAL actuality, they are the actual Ars Goetia demons, she's not aware of it and has been wildly incorrect about their names. she named Vapula "Beleth"
she wears tiny lil glasses, but her bangs are too long for you to see them
in my ocverse, she's actually "rivals" with another oc of mine, Kai-Hua Yue.
"Rivals" means that Merlin genuinely thinks they're two rivals who compete out of sheer respect for eachother as witches in the making, and Kai-Hua is just being gay
scary good at teleportation, she CAN and WILL teleport her ass two feet to the left instead of just walking, just to feel cool and smart
she has those 70's wizard posters PLASTERED all over her room. she thinks that they're the epitome of style. we're talking this kinda stuff
actually i don't think she can drive but if she did she'd definitely have a wizard van, see merrill's reply to the post above
these facts are surpassing the likes but she's never heard of DnD before... if she did she would go bonkers with Homebrewing....
she barely knows the story of king Arthur, all she knows was this Wizard helping this dude save England from some barbarians or some shit... she just read the name “Merlin” on some chocolate bunny and she was like HOLY SHIT
continuing from the chocolate thing, her kind don’t d/e from consuming chocolate, but she’s kinda got allergies. doesn’t stop her from chowing down
she doesn’t like peanut butter, however. do not give her peanut butter chocolate ANYTHING, she’ll methodically pick it apart. it’ll be surprisingly well done
do not romantically approach her cause she is DENSE AS ALL FUCK. you could take her on a date with a whole ass bouquet of roses and she’d be like “wow what a cool pal. we’re broskis :)” but like in nerd mage form
her capelet is a hoodie and it has two little dangly things. normally they'd droop down but her ears partially prop them up, giving a jester-like appearance
for a bookworm she's surprisingly flexible, she could get into gymnastics if she wanted to, but that's not as cool as being a mage and shooting lightning out of your fingers
found this thread again

despite being flexible, this girl can’t properly wield a weapon for her life. axe? stuck on a pillar. takes hours to dislodge. sword? a few swings and she falls on her behind. spear? can’t throw that past a few meters. awful
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