glorifying men in bands is sooo dangerous
i’m beyond guilty of this because i was 19 and finding out about all these bands and holding the men in them to some higher standard and on some pedestal
this is why i’m not really like “not them! i’m so disappointed” anymore because i’m not only 1. desensitized to men in bands being assholes but 2. realize these men lead lives just like us and they are in no way gods and above doing shit things
it’s so terrifying because these bands all groom these mostly underage female audiences into believing they’re on our side, the power dynamic is frightening
idk if this is a controversial opinion but if you’re in a band you should not be hooking up with any fans ever like you really have to understand how much power you have in those situations, those women look up to you and do things for you just because they admire you
i’m not gonna harp on u if ur a band hooking up with OF AGE fans that consent but maybe think about how weird that power dynamic is before you do shit
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