The $600/week unemployment benefit is just days away from expiring, and so far there's nothing to replace it. Additionally, we're coming up on when eviction/foreclosure moratoriums are starting to end.

This will be very, very bad.
"But what if people make more money on unemployment than when they were working!?!?"

Literally who cares? People are more worried about the poors getting a few extra dollars than they are about billionaires scamming the government out of millions to buy a new yacht.
Unemployment isn't high because unemployment benefits are too good. Unemployment is high because we're living in the middle of a deadly pandemic that has disrupted our everyday lives in extreme and unexpected ways.
Before you worry about the economy or the unemployment rate, you need to address the virus. Until the virus is under control, the economy and unemployment rate will be awful. That's just reality.
Yes, letting the pittance of support expire will force people to try to get back into the workforce despite it being potentially unsafe to do so by presenting them with the choice between catching the virus or starving.

Is that a choice anyone should have to make?
And that's not to mention that we live in a country where if you *do* end up catching the virus and *do* end up needing to see a doctor for it, it could financially obliterate you.
The tl;dr here is that the government needs to extend those benefits *and more*. Otherwise, you're just forcing people to make impossible choices that they shouldn't have to even consider.
Wealthiest nation in the history of humanity, but we're forcing people to make decisions about whether to starve/lose their homes and/or catch a deadly virus that could financially ruin them for life if they survive.
We could (and should) do so much better for everyone. /end
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