Kinda weird how I’m in chronic pain daily but it’s been there since I was a child and no doctor knows why so I just never bring it up because it’s confusing for people and no one wants to hear about it
My dad today was like “are you still not feeling well?” and I laughed bc my parents have this lifelong thing where I won’t mention my pain for months/years and then they’re like THATS still going on?
I always have to explain to them that it usually isn’t bad enough to interfere with my daily life so I don’t mention it bc how crazy would that be if everyday I just updated everyone like “yup still in pain!”
People really don’t like to hear about other people’s physical pain like they just don’t the gag gets old and they also always think they can solve your problem by thinking of something you haven’t but they cannot and it is a very repetitive conversation that no one enjoys
Anyway it just makes me laugh that like sometimes even a year will go by and they’re like sooooo what’s the word on your stomach problems & muscle pain and I’m like oh yeah I’m still fucked up and they’re always like very surprised for some reason
ALSO sorry for this thread like my parents are always like “we feel so bad ur in pain :(“ n that’s why I don’t rlly bring it up bc I don’t feel bad, there are people out there in much worse situations who need support, I just feel incredible lucky that my pain is manageable
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