All right, plenty of updates as usual, but I'm going to tackle this one right away because there's no time to lose. We'll be rehashing Vic's Greatest Hits for this but it's needed, so buckle up y'all. #CArants
The Situation: Victoria's managed to get herself onto one of @Comic_Con's At Home panels. Specifically, their 'Turning Fandoms into Movements for Good'. #CArants
There are numerous reasons for why this is Seriously Bad, but let's go over the classics alone, because they truly showcase why Victoria and any who willingly associate with her are not an appropriate fit for this panel and the message it is attempting to send. #CArants
Vic talks about how wonderful it is to be part of CA while routinely denying any accusations of foul play. Those who speak ill of them are bulled into silence.

Example: An ex-angels personal experience at what being a part of CA is actually like: #CArants 
Vic lured a member of the SPN Family into what was supposed to be a safe, charitable space, & then abused the trust she was given. You're supposed to care for your friends & guard the trust you're bestowed-- not use it as bludgeoning tool when they disagree with you. #CArants
Not only has she abused her own members who've attempted to break away from her, she has constantly lied about the status of her "charity fundraising group" (she's recently begun calling it this after being called out for lying numerous times before). #CArants
Here's a video I made when I had a delightful first encounter with Victoria's avid defenders. First proof of falsehood: Saying, "We never claimed to be a charity," when she's gone on record as calling it as such. #CArants
(Don't worry, I have more then just a video I made out of snarky annoyance at strangers attempting to intimidate me. Such as: #CArants)
Months before I showed up, Vic said they were working on becoming a 501(c)(3). You have to register as a corporate entity in a charities base state 1st before you can go on to register for 501(c)(3) status. In this case, Nevada. She didn't do that. #CArants
She continuously said she these things took time. If you properly fill out your paperwork? No, it doesn't. Not only would it have NOT taken all those months, she could've paid to have it expedited as talked about here: #CArants
Original thread where I talked about the expedited information: #CArants
Not only had Vic given excuses as to way the paper work was taking so long-- she also falsified a government document in an attempt to one up us and prove she'd submitted the long talked about documents. And yes, I made a video proving she'd lied. #CArants
The IRS also did not (and still does not) recognize them no matter how many times Vic claimed to have taken the appropriate steps. #CArants
(Btw, CA was requested to remove RA's logo from their homepage... it's still there.) #CArants
If so far you're still unsure about how much of an improper fit she is for @Comic_Con's panel, I give you Victoria's ex-roommates, another set of people who felt they could trust her: #CArants
Victoria used, manipulated and then abandoned and stole from the only other group of people that should have been able to trust her. What kindness does she know? What charity does she possible have when her own roommates are now struggling BECAUSE of her? #CArants
Victoria King is a far cry from the type of personality she claims to have. It is not charitable to search out people in need and help them only for the purpose of using them. It is not promoting anything other then vileness when you lie, cheat and steal. #CArants
Having her on this panel is not only wrong because of what she has done, it is wrong because it allows her more availability to lure others in, and then eventually harm them as she has previously done to others in the past.

She should not be on be on this panel. #CArants
I've already sent a complaint to @Comic_Con about this, and I hope after reading this you will take a few moments to as well. Do not allow this harmful person to represent our fandom. #CArants 
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