expose thread on @/Aeongest (screenshot taken prior to the creation of this thread)
i’ve been following him for several months now. i believe he is a cishet man, but idk correct me if i’m wrong. some of the stuff in this thread can be triggering, so i’ll put trigger warnings when i can.
he recently retweeted some posts mocking paganism and pagan people. he also is mocking it, presumably due to the fact that witchcraft is known for being a female “hobby” ( it is a religion!!)
tw/ confederate flag

a while ago, he retweeted a post form someone with a confederate flag in their profile picture.
tw// uyghur concentration camp, mocking of concentration camps

just today, he posted something making fun of the current situation happening in china. i’ll post a small snippet from wikipedia in case you’re not up to speed.
one of his former friends messaged me this yesterday when i asked them if they had anything to add to this thread. i also got the confederate flag sc from them.
if you have any mutuals following him, please please please tell them to unfollow! i’ll post a link to his profile under this :)
You can follow @outrorosy.
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