A lot of young PDs are starting their jobs soon. The most I’ve learned is from other defenders, especially women defenders. A few pieces of advice that have served me well.

1. Get a mentor ASAP
2. Don’t waive speedy trial unless you have a good reason
3. If you feel like everyone is mad at you for slowing down the court, you’re prob doing your job.
4. Always run offers by 2-3 colleagues you respect.
5. You’re more prepared for trial than you think .
6. You have to know your case better than everyone else in the room.
7. You must prepare everything you can on a case as soon you get the file.
8. Start with the jury instructions and statute. When you get lost, go back there.
9. Make the record no matter how much the judge is bullying you. May require you objecting then and elaborating later.
10. Put it in writing. Judges will cut you off.
11. If you want to start shit, you must be beyond reproach in every other way. Be on time, read the cases, etc
12. Refer to but do not rely on templates for anything. You’re the lawyer!
13. Watch trials. Go to trainings.
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