Questions thread.

1. When someone ghosts you, do you go out of your way to find out why or you just let them be?
2. What keeps you up at night?
3. Do you want space or attention when you are upset?
4. What do women want?
5. What do man want?
6. How would you convince someone not to date you?
7. Do you look younger or older than your age?
8. Why do you remove your whatsapp profile picture whenever you are not feeling okay?
9. What finishes your phone battery fast?
10. Would you take a bullet for your partner?
11. What's something that no amount of peer pressure will make you do?
12. What's your whatsapp status message?
13. What's that something that COVID-19 ruined for you that you were looking forward to?
14. What was the pettiest reason you had that made you end the talking stage?
15. What has been your biggest challenge in life, and how did you overcome it?
16. What do you take for granted?
17. What's something that overwhelms you?
18. Are you typically the heartbreaker or the heartbroken?
19. What's something you've done and will never do again?
20. What would your daily uniform be?
21. Among your friends, what are you most known for?
22. Sweater or hoodie?
23. What are the five words that you use the least? The most?
24. Would you rather be half your height or double your weight?
25. Do you look better in person or in pictures?
26. How would you describe the color 'white' to a blind person?
27. What’s the best part of your daily routine?
28. Do you feel comfortable taking a dump at other people's houses?
29. Which football team do you support?
30. What was your Math final mark in matric?
You can follow @Troniiq_Sithole.
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