The Second Law of Thermodynamics is total BS.

Materialists look at dead matter; thinking that the whole world functions like it; their microscopic minds cannot fathom anything beyond mechanical interactions gradually edging towards death.

Energy can be conserved as entropy (order, structure) and so they believe that all energy will decay to a non-free form where Life cannot sustain itself.

This is the secular Hell of Science.
Why do they believe this?

Because they have no understanding of Life.

They think Living beings are machines!

Though, they haven't really thought much about this, because this is taught as Dogma in academia.
It's a shame, because it's actually very easy to disprove.. I'll spell it out right here in this thread for you.

The second law of Thermodynamics state that the Total Entropy of a Closed System can never decrease over time, since this would imply energy coming from nowhere.
Energy from nowhere.. from the æther perhaps?

Here's how you do it:
You build an Orgone Accumulator; a simple construction out of materials you could find in your home.

This straightforward device conjures Orgone energy.

It is commonly used for health benefits, as Orgone is the primordial Life force, but today we will look at temperature.
Badass researcher James DeMeo built this..
The whole thing rotates to eliminate error factors.
Bootstrapped thermal shelter around the whole thing.
Here are the results, with and without rotation.

Not only is there obvious heating inside the Orgone Accumulator, there is also a significant daily cycle, corresponding perfectly to day-night rhythm.
It's obviously not outside heating driving this because you'd see a time lag between air temperature and the heat inside the box; the reverse can be observed.

It also wouldn't explain why the dips in ORAC temp goes *below* the air temp.
When you study the æther drift through other methods, such as looking at the speed of light, you find the same thing: you find a daily cycle corresponding perfectly to the charts above.
Einstein spent two weeks trying to debunk this. He couldn't. He first said it was legit, then changed his mind (said it was heat convection which makes zero sense) and refused to discuss it further.
"My opinion about Miller's experiments is the following: Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid"
- Einstein, about the æther drift experiments
The universe is not dying, this is an obvious falsehood, because Life (Orgone) opposes this decay.


Orgone actually flows in direct opposition to Entropic theory: It *wants* to accumulate, not disperse.
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