My co-worker said she met a Scorpio guy that shes been talking to & hanging out with for 3 weeks now. She said he’ll text her and be like Im coming over to see you and then before she can even answer he shows up knocking at her door
She told him she was thinking about moving back to Chicago (where shes from) and he said “Ill come with you.” 😒🤣
Then she said one day he texted her & said Im coming to see you, and she said no Im with my friends and were about to leave. And he said No im coming to see you, and when she opened her door to leave he was standing there 😑🥴
I have no experiences w/ any Scorpio Sun or Scorpio Moon men... in fact None of the guys Ive been with really have any Scorpio personal planets except for One had a Scorpio Mars.. but he had a bunch of Libra & Sagittarius so it wasnt really that raw Scorpio energy
The only thing Notable about the Scorpio Mars was the eye contact during sex
However I would love to hear others stories and experiences w/ Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Moon men. 😂
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