Thread of random things my flatmate and I did because of exam stress/because we're crackheads (yes I'm bored and trying to type this out so I can look back at us in years and laugh)
-she came to my room one day like "hey do you notice anything different" and I was like "uhm?" but long story short she died her hair dark blue (her hair is black. NO ONE noticed she died her hair, literally not a soul. She was so disappointed it was funny but also heartbreaking)
-we made too many crepes (like, over 30) because we were bored on a sunday morning and the eggs were going bad so we had to call our friends over to help us eat our weight in crepes and nutella😂
-that one time we rewatched howl's moving castle but paused every five mins to
talk about the meaning of life and yell "THAT'S US" when Howl was throwing his tantrum
-that time she ordered a "paint by numbers" set and it took us two weeks to do it because we were listening to music and overanalysing the lyrics to modern loneliness
-she went on a shopping spree after our exams but forgot what she ordered so every time the delivery men came she was like "omg what did i do!?!" (and that's the story of how we had to cary a pile of folded cardboard boxes as tall as us to the dumpster)
-the physical chem lab we did not partner up for because other people asked us and we felt bad saying no but then they gave us such a headache that we bought too much wine and wrote all the lab reports in one go
-she bought a berzelius flask to use for shots and i broke it one early morning and freaked out because my exhausted brain thought I stole a flask from the lab
-that time we went for a tea break at the same time but instead we ended up talking about fanfiction m for an hour
-when we're both too stressed to eat properly so we bought two boxes of ramen but they only had spicy ramen in stock and we're lowkey regretting our life choices
-when we wanted to buy beef but instead bought vinson (look, we're tired 24/7) and had to binge watch cooking shows
-when one of us has a comeback so we go "if you hear me screaming it's emotional pain" right before the album drops
-that time i needed moral support to unbox mots7 and we both got mad over how the poster was folded over jin's face
I think this is all I can recall right now but I'll add more as it happens cause it's a happy thread. If you ever see any of this happen in fics. Well. Now you know.
updating this thread because my flatmate has just ordered a huge teddy bear from ikea and now she realized it'd take up half of her bed
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