Hello! I did a Fanmade prototype of #GameboysTheSeries' ScreenTime using Figma. With this, you will feel like you’re using the real app using your phone or pc. You can scroll down and make Cairo and Gavreel interact to each other’s post. @theideafirst_co @elijahcanlas_ @kkydsnts
PS. This is just for fun only. I am an aspiring UI/UX Designer and I think that making a mobile version of Gameboys’ ScreenTime will be fun and can enhance my skills. This will not be included in my portfolio. I am not affiliated with @theideafirst_co. Pero beke nemen po hihi.
Here is the link: https://www.figma.com/proto/2bLxnNcDzTM8aCfIv15QjF/ScreenTime?node-id=33%3A74&viewport=-10178%2C1520%2C1.2663182020187378&scaling=scale-down
NO NEED TO REGISTER TO VIEW! Link is 100% Safe. No malicious whatsoever. You can use your phone or pc.
@theideafirst_co @elijahcanlas_ @kkydsnts
Cairo can:
React angry to Gavreel’s Post
Share Gavreel’s Post
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@theideafirst_co @elijahcanlas_ @kkydsnts
Gavreel can:
React heart to Cairo’s shared post
Comment on Cairo’s post
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@theideafirst_co @elijahcanlas_ @kkydsnts
This is the Log out page of both characters
@theideafirst_co @elijahcanlas_ @kkydsnts
In case that this thread is requested to be deleted by the owner/s of the logo, idea of ScreenTime, or any other materials used in this prototype, I will delete it right away ☺️☺️
You can follow @joel_aseo.
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