He speaks the truth, our provinces have been sovereign states since 1931, there are no federation papers and the constitution of 1982 is illegitimate 1) because a copy of the document is what Jean Chretien brought to the crown, and a copy of that copy with... https://twitter.com/pshak/status/1285398516131483648
A proclamation came back with him as letters patent. 2) A copy of this document was not made for all in the HoC in the second reading so no one could challenge it's contents before assent. 3) you can't reclaim rights to land that was given to the people 50 yrs prior with an...
Illegitimate copy of a document. 4) the constitution of 1982 goes against the magna carta (a real document) number 29, so they then made the interpretations act change the rule to the law of the sea (the Oceans act), making the land the sea, admiralty law http://www.nephalemfilms.com/pdfs/InterpretationsAct1985.pdf
Their rule is illegitimate, a lie to cover their tracks, you are considered a legal person not a natural person because only legal persons can be a part of a corporation and your legal person is a staw man that they create a bond for the banks to trade on
If you want to know about the lie that is the constitution act of 1982 here is a good breakdown of this in 3 videos https://www.bitchute.com/channel/xL94iM7Rk3cD/ this corrupt corporation of Canada will lie cheat and kill to keep this secret, but we have the right to know
Now here is a good way to show you how they get away with this.
The municipality act section 9 states that a municipality is considered a natural person with all those rights, and section 4 states that all people are corporations https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/01m25
The municipality act section 9 states that a municipality is considered a natural person with all those rights, and section 4 states that all people are corporations https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/01m25