I hate the idea of the “Kardashian curse” because it still suggests women are responsible for men’s issues & bad decisions. Plenty of men who’ve dated the Kardashians (Travis Scott, Reggie Bush, French Montana) are still doing fine. It’s not Kim’s fault Kanye is terrible
Kanye was doing ridiculous stuff before Kim. The Taylor Swift incident happened years before he got married.
Being mentally ill has nothing to do with being misogynistic or anti-black.

He needs help yes. His views are still reprehensible. I said what I said
I hope those of you defending Kanye’s rhetoric because of his mental illness extend the same argument to Azealia Banks
To be clear, I’m not calling Kanye terrible because of his bipolar disorder. I’m calling him terrible because of his misogyny and anti-blackness. It is entirely possible to be bipolar and not anti-black or misogynistic.
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