Thinking about community.

Wondering how much stable co-location is a requirement (online communities are hard to build a full social life around)

Thinking about ways economic factors can fuck with co-location (e.g. unrest or pandemic causing people to flee urban areas)
Wondering if community always takes location as a major input.

Wondering how important shared physical spaces are (e.g. a meeting place). Might seem clearly important, but w some social things there are so many factors, it can hard to know what is central and what's peripheral.
Should clarify my terms - am not trying to say that online communities aren't 'real communities' or something.

But there's a parameter like 'depth of the community life', which seem much easier to nail w physical co-location. Helps things like romantic relationships arise
Only noting romantic relationships bc if we're talking about community stability, ideally over years, we want to account for the kinds of things that affect the reasons ppl come/go. People shift their whole lives around romantic considerations, e.g. traveling for a partner's job.
Which brings back the economic factor. People (in what seems to be my peer group) spend such short amts of time in jobs! Switching every 1-3 years or whatever. Working at the same company for a decade sounds insane, let alone longer. But job change is disruptive - not just to you
Would like to know what leads to strong vs weak community ties. Strong vs weak relationships which take ‘the community‘ as a substantive input - rather than strong relationships which don’t additionally strengthen the community.

I swear I need to read the Torah or something
Lots of things to figure out re ideological vs non-ideological communities. I’ve been a part of both. Many coordination benefits to ideology, but it can embed social issues as people come together for big picture reasons & don’t necessarily click as ppl.

Stability risks/benefits
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