I know people say video games desensitize us to violence, but:

* I can't really watch real people or animals being beaten or even killed. When it's real it's not something that's easy for me to look at.

* I want as much blood and gore as possible in my games
Zach Snyder's Watchmen actually turned me off of a lot of fictional depictions of violence. He clearly wanted us to see Rorschach, Dan Dreiberg, and Laurie Jupiter as absolute badasses but all I saw was people just ruining others' lives and bodies, although fictional fortunately.
IDK video games also don't make me like the military. It's rubbish. I wanted to join the Air Force or Navy when I was a teenager and before I had clearly worked out when and how I was going to transition. I'm glad I didn't, and over time I just really don't like their existence.
I have once in my entire life pointed a loaded gun with the safety off at a living thing, and in that moment I realized that I need an extremely good reason to pull the trigger and take a life.

And besides, the opossum was just hungry, not dangerous.
My grandfather told me to shoot it next time I saw it, and I simply refused to.
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