Badia vs Hadar, Who is lawful & who is chaotic?
A #dnd #alqadim thread.
It's a general expectation, not a fixed mold.

The answer is; either & both.
Badia people (bedouins) are lawful when it comes to their personal behavior; and towards their family/tribe.

They have a strict code of conduct, how to sit; how to shake hands; how to behave in various situations. They value the tribe and its reputation above all other. They are expected to behave in a very certain one.
They are also chaotic, when it comes to anything else.

They don't want to be ruled or governed by anyone else. They refuse to follow kings & nobles (aside from their tribe's sheikh). They want to roam freely across the lands.

Hadar, in the other hand; are the opposite.

They are chaotic in their individualism, they want to be their own person without social pressures to behave in certain ways. They want to pursue their dreams, and they don't to care what their individual actions cause to their "family name".

They are also lawful, they believe in government and laws; they believe in having systems to organize things and organize their lives. If each family/tribe is to be left to their own, things would be a disastrous mess where everyone would try to reach for power.

A government, no matter its type; provides and outline of law and expectations they are roaming within.

Finally, I believe this applies in various cultures as well, not exclusive to Arabs. Using Arabs is an example since I'm referring to Alqadim setting.
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