-- A Thread
(QRT, don't reply! Thank you.)
I believe Takagi is genuinely one of the most underrated characters in Detective Conan. In this thread, I will explain why I believe this. I hope this sparks more appreciation for him because he is an extremely good character who deserves more attention than he gets
REASON #1). Takagi is a very selfless person. He just wants to make sure everyone and everything is at their best at any given moment. This tends to go unnoticed, however.

An example is when he thought Sato was pregnant. He did his best to make her happy and comfortable +
and even did research! His top priority at the time was Sato (not saying she isn't most other times, because she certainly is). He did all he could to make sure she had what she needed and was the most concerned about how she was feeling.

And, hello, they are SO cute together.
REASON #2). Takagi is one of the only characters who truly values and takes into consideration the children's thoughts. He listens to them (especially Conan!) and tries to help them.

For example, when he was going to sneak the Detective Boys in to the hospital to visit Curacao.
Another example is when he and Conan were disarming a bomb. He trusted him, still trusts him, and knew he could help him.
REASON #3). Most of what Takagi does is ignored by both the fandom and the characters.

The main evidence for this is that both within the fandom and Detective Conan, he's regarded as an average, unremarkable person who hasn't done much to note. This is completely incorrect, +
as I just mentioned, he helped Conan disarm a bomb! He works super hard behind the scenes but also does some very important things as well!
REASON #4). Okay, so this one is kind of subjective, but it still stands to reason that Takagi is just adorable. He's just a cute dork, you know?R

(I was made aware of the existence of this GIF by one of the members of the discord server, so special thanks to that person!)
REASON #5). Takagi, somehow, despite originally being an unnamed, one-off background character, has managed to become such an important part of this series. I mean, he appeared pretty much one hundred episodes straight, even more! (episodes 600-700)

You have to admit, he holds +
a LOT of power even though he started from such an unassuming place. It's incredible, really.
REASON #6). Takagi is very conscious of his actions and emotions. He is aware that he can't always make everyone happy, even if he is wrong about whether he can make specific people happy.

An example is the page on the next tweet. (It doesn't exactly include spoilers - I +
don't think, anyway. Still, if you're wary, it's from File 805.)

This, while it is a very specific thing, shows that Takagi does in fact think about things such as his relationships. That's a step up from a lot of others, don't you think?
REASON #7). I cannot believe I have to say this - it should be common sense - but Takagi is actually pretty smart! He takes into account things others don't and it shows.

I don't really have any evidence for this, but do I really need it?
That's all I have for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this thread! I may add things on to this as I continue rewatching/rereading Detective Conan or as I remember more things.

It's like 1 AM where I am so some of these might be poorly thought out but I just really +
wanted to talk about this man because he honestly deserves all the love in the world.
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