So, I think I'm gonna make a thread about some of the lies Leaving Neverland was filled with and just some general misinformation about MJ that's been out there for too long. I know I'm not reinventing the wheel with any of this but if I can just get one person reading this
to rethink their own beliefs and prejudice about Michael Jackson, I will have achieved my goal. So this thread is not really meant for MJ fans but rather for the haters and especially for those unsure.
So let me start off by saying: Michael Jackson was not gay (even though there would have obviously been nothing wrong with that). It is a piece of misinformation about MJ that has been used by the mass media to further perpatuate the narrative that MJ molested little boys.
2. Michael Jackson never hung out with ONLY boys or invited ONLY boys to Neverland.
3. I feel like people have this idea in their heads that Michael Jackson had nothing better to do than constantly having kids over at his house and having sleepovers with them etc. as if he wasn't one of the most hard-working and busy people on the planet during his time.
Yes, MJ often had bus loads of (often underprivileged) kids AND THEIR FAMILIES or whole school classes AND THEIR TEACHERS come to Neverland to enjoy the theme park, zoo, movie theatre etc. but he wasn't even present for most of it because he was either in the studio or on tour!
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