Welcome to Portland on a Monday night, where like two thousand people have surrounded both the Federal Courthouse and police headquarters / jail. As is Monday tradition, we are all waiting to be assaulted by federal agents.
This activist is handing out squeaky piggies from a massive barrel. The sound of squeaks fills the air.
The fact that the bulk of the crowd surrounds the Justice Center, Portland Police HQ, and not the courthouse itself, is interesting. It suggests this larger but more liberal crowd is focusing their grievances on local police still.
People got repeatedly assaulted for entering this part of the Courthouse last night. Tonight they are drinking from open containers, kicking it, and heckling the agents inside.
It appears that the people of Portland might be losing their fear of federal agents.
Monday on Portland: where you can eat ribs, light bonfires and repeatedly assault a federal courthouse.
The much vaunted Dad Bloc have all marched off, with what looks like most of the moms. Still hundreds of folks out here, but most people just left.

My suspicion is we are about to get horribly fucked up by law enforcement.
Oh wait, no, they are back and marching. God so many people.
Mom Bloc in front, the crowd marches towards the courthouse again.
One man covers the murder hole, where feds shoot at us and throw explosives from, with his shield and body.
A crowd begins to form, spray painting the courthouse walls and kicking the doors. Behind them, the masses wait, braced for impact.
The murder slits have slid open a bit.

This probably presages bad times.
Well somebody just flipped the murder hole open to taunt the feds.
People have forced the federal agents back inside their courthouse. The crowd is now throwing bottles at their hands as they try to shoot through murder slits.
The crowd now approached the side of the courthouse.
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