tw // grooming , pedophilia
let's talk about this. (thread)
grooming is when anyone of any age builds a strong relationship that includes trust and an emotional connection with children and takes advantage of them to exploit, manipulate and abuse them. while it usually ties
in with pedophilia, that's not always the case. you cannot dictate what someone's experience is. if they feel uncomfortable, abused, exploited, manipulated, then that's how they feel. you cannot invalidate their feelings all because "oh i was there, that's not how we felt!!!"
if your friend has "had interactions with pedos" then they should be fully fucking aware that you should always comfort and believe someone when someone tells you they feel uncomfortable. dont go invalidate them because you didnt have or witness the same or a similar experience.
i, infact, can agree that what he has said and done is grooming. a grown man talking about nsfw topics, as a joke or not, is completely inappropriate and NEVER OK. he joined in on the sex jokes when he shouldnt have. he should have called it off, not encouraged it.
"but he as 17" is not an excuse. he was 17, on the verge of being an adult (literally), and should know better. not to mention it did continue when he turned 18. like i said in my definition, age doesnt dictate if someone is or isnt grooming somebody.
as a victim of grooming, abuse and pedophilia, i can tell you for fucking SURE that it IS grooming. i had similar experiences. i made nsfw jokes with a 16 year old at the age of 12. that shit fucks you up so bad. in fact, it's one of the reasons im in therapy currently.
one person who "had interactions with a pedo" does not dictate everyone's experience, especially not mine.
if someone tells you they feel abused, manipulated, exploited, or uncomfortable in any way. you believe them, because you cant dictate how someone else feels.
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