Wow! This brings back memories. This is how I learned to read. Books with vinyls were pretty effective if you think about it.
This is the first book I ever checked out of a library. I'm thinking around 1986.

"Clever Camel, who can fix anything, has to find a way to stop Kangaroo's bothersome practical jokes."

Author: Jacquelyn Reinach
Later on, I would be introduced to my own investigative/artistic nature. I found that in the stories of Frank and Joe Hardy.

Don't front, they were dope.

And you know it. Lol.
Possibly the best gift my Grandfather ever gave me.

"Encyclopedia Britannica 15th Edition 1987 Complete Set."

My set had the royal blue leather(Saucin'). This was how I could go anywhere on Earth and beyond. These were timeless. These are the tools that made me...Me.
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