cutest moments of xiao zhan on our song
so happy when he guessed one right
disco king
proud of his dumpling making skills 🥺
🐰They’re there!
🐰They saw us!
👤Let’s wish for them to lose their voices! Tell everyone that you’ll win for sure.
🐰Right, we already did absolutely everything we could.
when he gets complimented: hehe
na-jie dropped the goldfish and everyone started laughing but he didn’t know and thought maybe they were laughing because he made a mistake 😭
he’s doing archery and his opponent just scored a full 10! you can do it 🥺
screaming groundhog meme but ᵗⁱⁿʸ
🎤Do your best you guys!
🎤It’s a guy! Both of you say hi.
🎤It’s a guy and a girl.
🐰That’s right!
🎤Are you nervous?
🐰I’m ok!
just a cute liddol happy panda
🐰I know why you like to eat spicy (la).
🐰Because your last name is Na (sounds like la).

Then the embarrassment hits 😭
“who is it? are we eliminated? no right? what is it?”

he’s scared to find out the results🥺
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