Portland!! Let's get it. I am downtown, getting ready to be live for the night. Mom's and dad's and parents and teens and kids and everyone is out with high spirits and geared up. This is a good feeling - Portland is strong and is not taking this federal bullshit.
Also. There is no fences here! Portland won that battle for sure. There is however more vans, riot ribs, pop art, medic stations, free clothing, mutual aid,
This van has a massive PA system. Drove up from Cali.
Coolers ☑️ water ☑️
A happy thought: maybe the feds took down the fence because they plan to not have reasons to come out?

This does leave lack of barricades for antifa teens /:
Free stencils are back!!
"what did you see"
"didn't see shit"

"what are we gonna do"
"burn it down"

PPB riot might be incoming! They heard their chants!
Group is chanting and moving to the fed building! Already SO many people.
Mom group showed up. Fences have been found. Mom group is marching strong with large crowd support. Where are they going?
Mom's, ready
Dads, ready.

Let's get it
And it's early!
$anearwig is stencil stations cashapp! Send em a few bucks to get more supplies!
You can follow @GriffinMalone6.
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