To all the parents with school aged children: I know many of you aren’t happy with the decision your district is making... but please understand that no matter what, the decision was going to be criticized by many and everyone was never going to be happy. It was a tough decision
For each district to make in regards to in person or virtual learning. At the end of the day the district has to put the safety of its children and staff first. Just because school is starting online for many of you, this doesn’t mean it will be like the spring semester was...
Starting online this semester will in most cases include 2-3 days of synchronous learning— this meaning your children will be taugh via life video from their teacher. There will be peer to peer interaction as well as student to teacher interaction. This is just a stepping stone.
At the end of the day there are so many variables that account into this... one of which is there will be virtually no substitute teachers this year... so if a teacher is sick or can’t be at work who takes their class? I am super bummed about not going back, but I know that
When we get back we will all be so excited that it will make for an incredible learning environment and opportunity for the students to learn. We will get through this, and we will push on, this will go down in history books for your grandchildren to learn about one day
Just remember, please do not take this out on the teachers. Many of us want to go back, and there are a few that are concerned because they are high risk with major health issues. Just because we aren’t face to face doesn’t mean we aren’t working as hard if not harder than before
So please bear with us, support us, support your district, and understand it’s for the greater good at the moment. Mask up and stay safe so we can get back to normal ASAP! #maskup #TeacherStrong #teachertwitter #TEACHers #schools #teacher
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