golcha as random college students [traits] i've witnessed during my experience at university - a thread .
- an angel, the one who takes cares of drunk friends at parties
- willing to help with any of subject/class if needed
- is a teaching assistant/grader for various classes
- works mostly in his major’s building
- probably a math or psychics major
- taps his pencil and hums while studying when listening to music
- chills outside on the lawn or whatever
- listens to his college friends stress out about grades as he reassures them
- he’s probably a business major with a minor in music
- on the track team
- daeyeol is the one taking care of him at parties as he dunks shots on shots
- could be a frat boy
- loud on campus, ppl hear him from afar and know it's 🌟jangjun🌟
- everyone knows him somehow (from frats to orgs to classes), a social butterfly
- kinesthetics major
- he works in the little student cubbies at libraries
- has a part time job at one of lil student cafes
- studies psych or english maybe double major
- chills at the language house when visiting friends
- performs at coffee shop like events
- pursuing medical school
- has a research job off campus
- normally seen carrying many textbooks or reading a book/notes
- maybe an ra at a campus dorm
- he answers all the questions on the reddit thread, is a well known member but no one knows it's him
- comes to class late with some kind of bread
- ends up being memed on online college meme platforms
- goes tailgating for football games
- barely studies for exams and shit, but he still manages to get decent grades/pass
- probably parties w 🌟jangjun🌟
- psych major
- secretly runs the main college meme page (might be the one memeing bongjae)
- smooths his way out for free food and free shit on campus
- popular among group projects, bc students knows he's reliable
- plays with frogs by the river in his free time
- he rides his skateboard across campus to get to class
- on a dance team, practices late a night
- in general his sleep schedule’s kinda wonk because he has practice and homework
- the roommate who would mind his own business if he had randoms
- in the gamer's club
- hangs in the student building, but goes to the food court often for late night snacks
- with that said, he probably is a late studier, probably cramming information in last minute rip
- plays violin on the campus lawn for fun, students know him as hongolo joochanini++
- would maybe be a philosophy, art, and linguistics triple major
- also performs at the same coffee-shop like events as youngtaek
- also well known on campus, as he's always getting the big college awards/scholarships
- computer science major, minors in english
- holds late night meetups/hangouts in his apartment/dorm
- friendly with professors
- studies well and has a decent sleeping schedule
You can follow @skzgolcha.
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