What hurts the most about Kanye is that these "episodes" tend to happen around the time of an album or clothing release.
It's hard to determine what is real vs what is not when it comes to Kanye West and Kim K.

They live in a land of make-believe. Both will do anything to grab the attention of the people.

Real issues are here. Magnification for attention isn't out of the realm of possibility
Kanye West needs help. His outlook on life/ behavior changed drastically with the passing of his mother.

Idk if his issues are deep-rooted, but that certainly was the turning point.

That grieving was never resolved.

What we are seeing is scary.
Kanye is kind, smart, excellent musician, and forward thinker.


He is also manipulative, deranged, and out of touch.

BAD combination.
Kanye West needs much more than therapy.

And whatever happens... those kids and Kim need to be FARRRRRRRRRRR away from it.

He gotta get this done in isolation. Away from cameras, lights, and outside influence.

For the safety of others, and his own.
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