My last comment about this (for now) is that if you do break social distancing, consider not posting photos of your group hang or your mask-free beach day.

Not because you'll get dragged—though you might!—but because of the effect it has on your followers.
It makes everyone who IS behaving feel like shit, yes. The FOMO is real.

More importantly, though, it normalizes not wearing a mask, and not social distancing. It makes people feel like maybe they're the only ones complying, and if so, why should they even bother anymore?
My reaction to these photos is often anger, but buried under that's a seed of doubt. I spend all day reading studies and tracking the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations and deaths, and STILL, I see enough maskless pics and think, maybe I'm the crazy one. It wears you down.
There are lots of things you can do and still keep safely apart from people, but I get it. Some of us are going to bend the rules, if not fully break them. Not really interested in debating that right now. Just saying to think about not sharing those moments with a wide audience.
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