Looks like #BC's #COVID19 numbers are at the beginning of another climb, mostly thanks to those private parties in #Kelowna. Charts below show case totals, daily cases, and daily deaths. No deaths for the past 3 days which is good but that is only a lagging indicator. #bcpoli
Additional #COVID19BC charts below. Testing seems to have increased in pace, hospitalizations remain low overall, recovered remains flat as well. #bcpoli
Crucially are the LOG charts for daily #covid19 cases and both show an uptick and expect that to spike in the next two weeks. #bcpoli
Finally, charts below show current case rates, PoP, and Per million numbers for #BC's #COVID19 numbers. #bcpoli.
And to add, in the projection modelling for #BC that was presented today, our #COVID19 curve is going to bend upwards, leading into another wave. Our R0 is now also above 1 and our contact rate is between 60% to 70%.

It seems our slow and low streak has ended. #bcpoli
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