Thinking about how as of 2010 71% of Native American individuals are living in urban areas...
Did y’all know that Baltimore specifically is one of the largest urban Indian communities on the east coast as a destination of the 1956 Indian relocation act and due to its proximity to DC and the infamous Carlisle boarding school in PA?
Did you know that in healthcare alone urban Native communities receive less than 1% of IHS’s annual appropriation (which already only covers less than 50% of actual need)*
*v much not advocating for the redistribution of not advocating for the reallocation of IHS funding away from our amazing tribally run 638 programs, but rather for more funding in general
Did y’all know that this lack of resources is also reflected in culturally specific education, elder care, etc.? On top of all this many urban Natives must deal with exclusion from tribal elections and lack of access to culture, community and homelands in unique ways
Finally did y’all know that you’re no less Native because of the way you look, where you grew up or even who knows your family??? 👀
Everyday I am reminded how blessed I am to have grown up aware of these truths and taught that the love and prayers of my ᏣᎳᎩ ancestors and family did not end when my family moved to western OK or even to CA ☺️
I am grateful for the friends and family who continue to make sure I remember these realities and hold me accountable in including ALL of our relatives in my actions and work (yes even the problematic and famous ones lol)
I hope that we can all work to remember this in our conversations and criticisms especially now. *sends tweet with prayerful intent* 💛
***BIG DISCLAIMER*** this thread is in no way meant to detract from the stories and lived experiences of those living in their tribal communities. But in the same way of advocating for more IHS funding, seeking to bring more awareness overall for all our relatives
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