Friends: There is an ocean of distance between @EdMarkey and Joe Kennedy III on climate. It’s experience, expertise, and sustained commitment *over decades*.

We’re talking about rebuilding our economy so that it doesn’t kill us. We don’t have time for Joe to get up to speed.
This is another check-the-box issue for Joe, not a cause dear to his heart. If he had wanted to show off his climate/energy/new economy chops, he could have done so at the climate debate in November ‘19.

He didn’t show, I’m sure because he knew he’d get blown out by Ed. 2/
Joe Kennedy’s entire pitch is that we need a different kind of Senator. But Joe’s idea of a new kind of leadership is apparently to go around to other states, be a Kennedy, raise $, and get Dems elected.

I mean, that’s fine! But is that the job he’s running for? 3/
Those of us who live in Ed’s old house district know that on the stump, he’s ok: Acronyms and corny jokes. In a debate, he’s good. He doesn’t embarrass himself.

But get him talking about nuts-and-bolts, changing lives with policy, legislation — the work! — he’s on fire. 4/
Ed knows the zillion policy levers in a complex subject like climate, b/c he’s been at it so long. (I talked with him in 2008 at the D convention about the possibilities for the new term. Heady times.)

It takes curiosity, preparation, knowledge — and good staff! 5/
And that knowledge and experience is also a check on the power of lobbyists, who often get what they want simply because *they know more about the policy* than electeds.

Knowledge is power.
... A #GreenNewDeal will require a huge amount of politicking and deal-making — without taking our eye off the larger goal.

Ed did an absolute high-wire act getting Waxman-Markey through the House in 2010 — with basically zero help from the grassroots. He’s done it. 7/
Again, I don’t know what job Joe Kennedy thinks he’s applying for.

But @EdMarkey is going to be the QB to get us to a climate-friendly, justice-focused, post-COVID economy.

We need a championship drive.
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