some context, information and possible demands for tonight's meeting regarding development in East Side/Old Town South City (ES/OT). most important from least:

📎purpose of meeting: we are simply asking that people attend these meetings and voice their vision for the future of the neighborhood.
‼️ disclaimer: i am not expert on housing, economic development or gentrification. i am a community member asking other community members to participate and share their voices. i don't know what's best for the community but have opinions
SSF is holding meetings about development throughout the city over the next 20 yrs. we are asking you to participate in meetings where the community members are encouraged to "share their ideas and thoughts about land use in Downtown."
this area has seen lots of development in recent years. three community spaces are hot topics of discussion, and we hope to make clear we wish to maintain these spaces for community enjoyment

this petition was created by community members who are voicing concerns about ES/OT bearing the brunt of development/gentrification. 
no official discussion yet about developing cypress & other properties. but some informal discussion has started. this petition aims to prevent development on ES/OT community properties, while at the same time calling for investment in the community.

we created this flier with possible ideas about how to shape these spaces. feel free to echo these ideas or share your own!

📎the three spaces are cypress park (CP), pine/linden (PL) and pine parking lot (PPL).

📎SSF wants to develop PPL. while it is better left as a parking lot, the city is adamant on development in housing. we'd rather see a community space.

📎all errors are my own
📎i am not an organizer, i am a community member
📎this thread and ideas are not perfect
📎i absolutely welcome discussion, critique, engagement, etc.
📎im sorry i didnt have time to translate
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