I actually don't think it's the cost that's an issue necessarily. I think we are collectively not paid enough. Wages have not kept up with inflation and we've managed to make ends meet by demanding cheaper and cheaper products. https://twitter.com/quintabrunson/status/1285266136762773504
I'm not shaming people for not being able to afford relatively expensive clothing. I *do* think we need to talk about past the USian context. Because our demand for cheaper products (due to stagnant wages) means that companies exploit ppl and resources in global south countries
So essentially, when we ask for cheaper and cheaper fashion, we are demanding that companies exploit workers in the global south. That is the only way clothes get cheaper without losing quality. Cos the price of production (minus labor) won't really change.
BUT our demand for cheaper products comes out of the fact that we aren't paid enough. We just aren't. So what happens is that working class people in the west are dealing with our exploitation by exploiting working class people in the global south + their resources
We need more pay. We need to recognize the exploitation that makes our lives possible. And this fast fashion v. sustainable fashion debate is really just an example of how much of a bastard capitalism is.
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