I know literally nothing about Ghost of Tsushima except that the usual thing is happening

Japanese diaspora: hey this thing has some issues

Non-Japanese, usually whites: yeah well JAPANESE IN JAPAN don’t have a problem so FUCK YOU YOUR VOICE ISNT JAPANESE ENOUGH

I’m tired
Japanese in Japan usually are much more forgiving of Westerners making Japanese things for the following reasons:

1)They expect foreigners to NOT know shit. I have Japanese heritage, grew up in a city w/ a large Japanese population, and they STILL PRAISE ME FOR USING CHOPSTICKS
They honestly are surprised whenever I know the most basic things about Japan, EVEN THOUGH I am part-Japanese. Their expectations are VERY LOW lmao so yeah, of course they’re gonna love it when a foreign company dedicates themselves to learning anything about Japan lol
2) Japanese in Japan are almost always flattered when they learn that foreigners are praising Japan because there is this misconception of how popular Japan is overseas. They see themselves as a small island nation and don’t even really know how popular Japanese pop culture is
My students here in Japan are always shocked when I explain what weebs are. They don’t really understand why weebs can definitely be problematic, which leads to my next point

3) Japanese in Japan are the dominant race and aren’t affected directly by anything problematic in the
West. To them, this is just a game and it’s fun and WOW SO PRETTY and historical inaccuracies are forgiven because they don’t even expect you to know how to use chopsticks (lmao).

4) Japanese in Japan are also not affected by Japanese Imperialism so they’re not sensitive to it
There is a lack of political discourse here; I have several students who studied abroad in Canada and they often mention that generally speaking, political discourse, especially about war crimes Imperial Japan committed, doesn’t really happen in Japan. So they aren’t as aware
I’ll even out myself as a mixed Japanese - I didn’t know about Korean comfort women until my Korean ex told me about it. And I reacted BADLY. My education regarding Japan was mainly from the Japanese in Japan POV so I felt (irrationally) attacked
After talking with more Chinese, Koreans, etc and listening to their pain and their families’ experiences with Imperial Japan, I started to understand better. And I too became more sensitive to how Imperial Japanese tones could be harmful to others
So when people are dismissive of Japanese diaspora voices, especially because we are much more likely to have talked to other Asians about the harm that Imperial Japan has done and we are usually much more consciously aware of how dangerous nationalism can be???? Yikes
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