being so internet poisoned that you cannot conceive of a world in which a well-liked republican could convince soft republicans to vote for biden over trump does not actually make you a savvy politics knower.
internet left: we need to build a coalition that can speak to and bring back working class white men

john kasich: you're playing my song, you crafty bastards, i'm in

dnc: to be clear, you're paying your own tab, buddy

internet left: no not like that
i'm going to bet kasich isn't the last high-profile republican that endorses him before the election, either. for reasons that are mostly misogyny, i don't think you'll see many republicans do the inexcusably cowardly "writing in mitt romney" move this time around.
"what if i told you" meme but for hating republicans *and* recognizing we need their votes
anyway i'm muting this thread now, everybody play nice
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