I didn’t think it was possible but I met the worst man in the world today. My god. Thinking of creating a thread of his tatti quotes.
Quote number one: “How can you say Pakistan is not safe for women? Name me one country where rape doesn’t exist.”
When I politely offered to split the bill, “omg don’t tell me you’re a feminist!!” I am, you piece of shit, but it’s not because of that, I offer to pay because my parents taught me basic manners to offer to pay my half of the bill.
Him: I’m an IK fanboy. I dont think our country deserves him
Me: I’m not a fan but I voted 4 him
H: I never voted but I still want him as PM.
Me: do you like his governance since 2018?
H: I don’t know a lot what he’s doing but he’s so honest. Our ppl just criticize for nothing.
“You’re here wearing jeans and shirt. How are you oppressed?”
After pointing out structural oppression, him: yeah maybe it’s just your family which is oppressive. My sister has never complained.
Him after I pointed out the inequality in laws: yeah I don’t know about laws much.
Me: sorry I don’t think we’re compatible, I don’t want a man telling me what I can wear.
Him: if a husband tells a wife not to wear a bikini on the beach, is that wrong too??? Checkmate!!! U wear bikini?!!
This man made me sit three hours just to explain feminism to him, only to not listen and say bullshit. But I think the worst of all his quotes was when he said, “my favourite book is the Alchemist.”
Lastly, and satisfyingly, “Yeah I don’t know why, I’ve been trying to meet educated women to marry through arrange marriage for years, I haven’t found a single pretty, but non feminist woman.” (Man also said he wouldn’t consider a hijabi)
I hope you never do, asshole. Stay incel.
I abhor the concept of arrange marriage but even if that works for you, ladies, never say yes to engagement or Haan without meeting the guy and discussing your core values. This guy was UK educated, had a great job and very seemingly modern family. Incels can come from anywhere.
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