Better self-talk (a thread):
1. That was so stupid of me. ——> That was so human of me.
2. Why is this happening to me? ——> What is this experience teaching me?
3. I hope they like me. ——> I hope I like them. Liking someone is more about compatibility than inherent worth.
4. I wish I had their life. ——> What have I been taking for granted recently?
5. I don’t look good today. ——> What do I love most about myself today that isn’t physical? What value do I bring the world beyond just my appearance?
6. My love life sucks. ——> My past relationships haven’t been ideal. Moving forward I will apply the lessons I’ve learned to allow the right person into my life.
7. I keep messing things up. ——> My past mistakes are my greatest teachers. What do I keep doing that keeps hurting? What accountability do I need to take? How can I be kinder towards myself when I fuck up?
8. If I admit I’m wrong I’ll seem weak. ——> Evolving my point of view when presented with new information is a sign of strength.
9. I don’t have enough to start. ——> What resources am I overlooking because I’m too focused on what I’m lacking? How can I be as resourceful as possible with what I have?
10. I’m not enough. ——> I am worthy of all the things I want. Even the things that feel out of reach.
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