"Exotrauma" isn't real.

Substitute beliefs surrounding your past trauma is real.

If you have parts with traumatic memories from a past life, whether fictional or not, they likely have unresolved trauma from *this* life masked by "exotrauma"/pseudomemories memories.

"Exotrauma" is a substitute belief. It acts as a filter over traumatic experiences, and blurs the memory into something more accepted, or easily processed.

Your experience with trauma is 100% real, it just isn't exactly what you think it is.
Validating and attempting to cope with your pseudomemories and substitute beliefs isn't harmful. Do what you need to comfort yourself and your parts!

That said, you will, at some point, need to discover and process the underlying trauma. That's just the nature of a sub. belief.
Just noticed that horrible typo in the first tweet. Disregard pls, lmao.
Gonna go ahead and tag this thread in #pluralgang too, even if it might cause some backlash.

Your exotrauma is real, it just isn't what you think it is. Your trauma from this life has been blurred and masked by a substitute belief. It helps to know that.
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