I was daydreaming about WWX and JC in my modern AU going to therapy to try and fix their relationship and like - the therapist would rightly put a lot of blame on JC but they'd probably wonder why the hell WWX didn't just tell JC about the transplant
cw death, traffic accident

(Context: WWX was driving, they got hit by a truck, JFM died and JC got really badly injured and needed a liver transplant due to the damage YES I stole this idea from Hawai'i Five-0)
cw drink driving

Uh anyway. JC doesn't remember anything bc of the trauma, his mom told him that JC was drunk driving, he believed her, blamed WWX, kicked him out. WWX said he wasn't drunk at the time but when JC blamed him for the death of his father he didn't defend himself
Because, y'know. Issues. All of them have so many of them.

Three years pass, WN ends up telling JC that WWX donated his liver to him, JC goes through a lot of realisations very quickly...

They start to reconnect but then Madam Yu dies (idk how yet) and-
-JC has to take over the company, is overwhelmed and stressed and distances himself. But he starts getting therapy, which leads to brothers therapy, which leads to the therapist saying 'yeah but why didn't you just tell him?????' (but in a 'let's get to the root of this' way)
There's crying, there's hugs, idk, JC gets a lot more therapy (and so does WWX for that matter) and they eventually get their respective happy ever afters.

(There is no point to this thread, I'm just rambling, soz)
The point being that we get more of this, which we need and they need https://twitter.com/hourlyjc/status/1283084541192818688?s=20
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