Consent, the absolute decree that seems to be the trump card to win every argument against sexual excesses and degeneracy. This wretched word finds its power in the idea that an individual and his/her liberty is the most important thing to be protected, all else be damned.
It refuses to recognize any forms of a larger body such as a family, community, and least of all, a society. Basically, every human is an animal, out for himself, with the ability to give consent. You can almost think of this as a religion with consent being the deity.
Society wide normalization and even assimilation of debauchery in the west is a result of the whole society buying into the virtues of this vulgar narcissistic concept. By placing all importance solely on the individual, "consent" corrodes values such as /
responsibility and accountability towards family, community and society. For example: A daughter ending up having sex with one of her mother's ex boyfriends is not an unheard of scenario in the US. No raised eyebrows. Nothing wrong, since they was consent. /
The emotional fallout of the family, the impact on the younger siblings, all that be damned.
Groupings such as family, community, society, form the different layers of support system for an individual. This support system benefits the individual by providing love, care, protection at the level of family /
and every layer from there on serves other purposes in the overall growth and sustenance of the participants. In turn the members balance individual needs with the necessary efforts in keeping the structure intact.
What are some of the necessary efforts? If we take just the family, certain hierarchy of authority, mutual trust, care and love for all members within the family. That means, sometimes even if the individual wants something, if it is inimical to these familial values, sacrifices/
will have to be made. No matter how much you like that girl, if your brother is in a relationship with her, you need to back off. But no, consent says, if she is willing to cheat on him and consent to sleeping with you. Go for it. After all, you are the center of the universe.
The consent concept basically throws all such values out the window as long as you are operating within the ambit of law. For example, as of today incest is a crime in the US, and there are a couple of other such relations that are deemed illegal by the law. /
so as long as a sexual relationship doesn't fall into one of those categories, it is fine.
Two middle aged people get married. The son of the lady gets into a relationship with the illegitimate daughter of the guy whom the lady married. This is a mini plot line in the later seasons of the much watched "Grey's Anatomy" show. Not kidding.
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