Let's talk about the low-key white supremacy manifesting in the Democratic Party right now...
For the past few months, the Gingivitis Gang has been hyping you know who as a bastion of civil rights and feminist advocacy...never mind the fact that she who shall not be named doesn't actually have a history of this and nevermind that several other 2020 candidates did...
Yesterday, I spent all my time on this bird app arguing with self-identified Democrats about the Lincoln Project. Too many of their defenders buy into the "Democrats have poor messaging" and "Democrats can't get it together" and "someone has to fight Trump" talking points...
Now, I'm seeing people cheer the announcement of John Kasich, an anti-choice Republican temporarily joining forces with Biden.
Question: why the actual fuck are (mostly white) Democrats so intent on forming alliances with the (untrustworthy and, hence, unreliable) white voters from the opposite party when there are millions of POC who would happily vote Democratic if only they could make it to the polls?
Answer: white supremacy
Let me be clear...I'm not talking the "burn a cross on a black neighbor's lawn" variety of white supremacy.

I'm talking the type of white supremacy that leads white people to prioritize their comfort over the very safety and dignity of POC.
I'm talking the type of white supremacy that leads white ppl to devalue the effectiveness of the work of POC--especially the work of black women.

Ex. "Democrats [a political party which doesn't center white men] can't defeat Trump on their own. We need all the help we can get."
I'm talking the type of white supremacy which elevates self-proclaimed white saviors who CLAIM to be able to represent marginalized groups better than the members of those marginalized groups themselves.
I'm talking the white supremacy that spurs white people to reject alliances with POC (who share many of the same concerns) in favor of other "moderate" whites who have a vested interest in not remaining faithful.
Make no mistake, one does not have to hold consciously racist beliefs in order to perpetuate white supremacy.
But if you find yourself tuning out, becoming unnecessarily argumentative, becoming defensive, or withdrawing into silence whenever POC point out the logical fallacy of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," you should really ask yourself why you are so closed off to the info...
That's being presented to you. You should also ask yourself why the coalition that got Obama two full terms and HRC 3M more votes (without the help of a single Never Trumpers) is somehow not good enough for you anymore.
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