1/6 A thread on animation hiring practices...It's no secret that people look for recommendations from their peers when hiring in animation. If you are someone trying to break into animation, do not interpret this as "people only hire their friends". These things are not the same
2/6 A person can get recommended for a job based on many different criteria. Reasons you might be recommended by a peer for a position are the following; you work hard, your style fits that of the show, you are a good team member who takes direction well, your work is consistent
3/6 you have strong concepts, or you have a very specific skill set needed by the show. Having worked with someone isn't the only way to receive a recommendation. Networking at conventions, taking classes, being an active community member will get you recommendations from peers.
4/6 Anyone working in animation relies on their peers for finding work. All of us. It is a very social industry, and if you cultivate good working relationships within your community, people will recommend you for work. It's unfair to target any one person as undeserving of their
5/6 position based solely on the fact that they received a recommendation from a peer whether it be a friend, a family member, or co worker. And if you're someone trying to break into the industry, know that by reaching out to working professionals, you can absolutely create
6/6 the type of connections that lead to you being recommended for an open position. The truth is NONE of us would be where we are today without the helping hand of dozens of people. Anyone claiming otherwise is lying to you and lying to themselves.
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