find it helpful to view Christian pacifism as a total re-configuring of how we view and engage with the world. it isn't only about self-defense, arms, and the military. it's also how we speak to and treat people, relate to power and coercion, listening, food, valuing meekness
this total re-configuring type of pacifism makes the most sense to me in light of the Good News of how Christ has really, truly, supernaturally changed everything
if everything is new and different post-Incarnation and post-Cross, the way we understand basic human life really should be transformed. there is a new way of love and humility that was taught simply, plainly and in a ghastly, visceral way-- and it implicates, uproots everything
also think that honestly honoring this means that figuring out exactly *what* it means and what it asks of us is a process that will often feel unsatisfying and incomplete
by its very nature, I think-- because Christ has already come, and at the same time He is also *coming.*
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