Can you please open this thread?
Hey, how are you today? Are you feeling good? Well I hope you are doing great today.
Don’t forget to always drink water to stay hydrated, and also take rests if you ever need to. Don’t overwork yourself.
Be safe, always be aware of your surroundings and even people. You really never know who could harm you, so be careful.
No matter your sexuality, your religion, your gender, your culture and your prounouns. You are always and will be valid in every way. And you every right to be respected
I know stan twitter can be very toxic sometimes, so take a break from it and try to rest your mind for awhile. It really works and do it if needed, social media can harm your mental health.
I’m sure that one day you are going to your fav kpop group concert. That day will come to every Kpop Stan just wait and be patient. And you will go to a concert and have the time of your life.
Don’t leave. Please don’t, I know how hard it can be but just please don’t. Think about your family, friends, siblings, pets, teachers and everyone. Please don’t go
Your friends, family, siblings and everyone do love you. Your brain is just mean and it wants to play with you but be smart about it.
You’re the most talented and amazing person I’ve ever seen. Everything about you is just so special and unique
No matter your skin tone, body shape or anything. You are beautiful/handsome, pretty, wonderful and a unique person. You’re perfect the way you are
Everyone in this life has a happy ending. If you’re not happy then simply it’s not the end.
If you wanna distract yourself from something you dislike, here is maybe a few things you can do:
1-take a walk for 10 mins
2- listen to your favourite artist or favourite song that makes you happy
3- bake something, a cake or brownies so you can happily eat them
4- watch a k-drama, movie, anime or a cartoon that’s your favourite
5-if ur a Muslim, read the Quran, it helps.
6- try reading a book or a comic book
At the end, try finding something that always makes you happy.
You do have friends who loves you, i swear to god... again your brain is just mean
If you’re a women and your going out alone, keep something to protect you just incase in ur purse or bag that you have and always have ur phone charged.... just incase
Those eyes of yours are always breathtaking, your body is so beautiful in every way it is and that smile can heal the whole world, only if they just knew.
Don’t go. Don’t leave, it can be very hard and stressing but please don’t. Your existence in this world is important and we won’t want to lose you
1-800-273-8255 - Suicide Hotline

877-226-311 - Addiction Hotline

844-228-2962 - Eating Disorder Hotline

877-455-0628 - Self Harm Hotline

888-640-5174 - Depression Hotline
Stay healthy. Take care of your health and don’t stay in your phone for too long. It’s not a good thing btw
Not all storms come to disrupt in your life, some come just to clear your path
i’m so proud of you
You deserve nothing but happiness 24/7, you deserve the world but the world doesn’t deserve you
now i know i’m a complete stranger and you’re not going to remember this thread in 10 minutes, but what I do know is that while reading this your still here alive and healthy. That is all I need to know
My dms are open. So if you need anything just anything you can just send me a “hi” and I will be here for you and help you all the way
Don’t let social media change you or change your vision of something. That’s why you shouldn’t be in your phone 24/7, it’s not healthy for you at all
You’re amazing
Your existence is very important to me and to all of us
You are a lot stronger than you think you are
i’m proud of whoever is reading this right now for whatever you have gone through to get yourself to where you are now. You are so brave and I’m incredibly so proud of you and I hope you go to a place where u are always happy.
If you are in school or college rn. I just wish for you to succeed all your upcoming exams and I hope you study well, and no matter what happens in the end. I will be proud of you. KEEP FIGHTING <3
Now while reading this, think about what you want to be in the future? What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of college you want to go? But whatever you choose, we all will support till the end
have a good day. And smile, it’s very beautiful 🤍
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