anti-fujoshi people are just misogynists hiding behind the claim that they care about fetishization. It should not be seen as normal or good for you to base your entire online presence and a lot of your personality on hating women
everyone reading this and assuming that I'm talking about actual real gay people is fucking stupid. signed, an actual real gay person that understands that anime isn't real
people under these tweets that don't know the definition of fetishization or the difference between real life and anime
I don't understand why it's such a popular take to imply that anime and real life are pretty much the same thing. Like do y'all understand how fucking insane that is? Not even insane as in oh wow that's super weird, like literally insane.
like... I as a lesbian don't care if people look at Yuri because I know that anime characters are not real lesbians. people fetishize real lesbians to the point where the majority of lesbian porn is created with men in mind, THAT'S fetishization
anyway, there's enough homophobia in the real world without y'all making up an entire new definition of it over people looking at pictures of anime boys fucking. It literally does not matter.
and being annoying on Twitter is not going to make the definitions of words change. I've already muted this thread and probably won't be going back to it but just know that I am not going to change my mind.
signed, a lesbian who does not particularly care if you don't like yaoi
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