Ok so this is kind of personal but just was thinking about my experience of a queer and disabled survival sex worker

Don't get me wrong , there are some days I appreciate being about to do online sex work as it allows me flexibility with my disabilities and mental illnesses that I know 9-5 jobs would not provide
I'm planning to do online sex work for a while , at least until I have completed my masters degree far into the future
It allows me to work around my disabilities and earn full time wages on full time hours , which is helpful as I know with a 9-5 job I would probably be fired because of how unreliable my health issues are
In a weird way sex work has helped me in ways such as allowing me to work around my disabilities as otherwise I would probably still be on benefits which isnt enough to rely on at all
I plan to do sw until I'm able to rlly focus on my academic career where I want to go into research surrounding sex work and policy
Hopefully then I'll use my experience of sex work to my benefit and to help current and future sex workers
Although I will add, it does scare me that one day my history of sex work will be used against me through no fault of my own. I have a lot of skills and sex work has definitely helped me to develop personally
Its just frustrating sometimes that under capitalism one of only jobs that helps to protect my health rather than hindering it could be used against me even though someone being an ex sex worker shouldn't be used against them
Essentially what I'm saying is
1. Disability friendly jobs need to be more accessible
2. The minimum wage needs to be raised
3. In order for sex work exiting to be more viable , its important for whorephobia to be tackled and for employers being more willing to accept ex swers
4. Its hypocritical that most people will consume the services of sex workers meanwhile condemning us and discriminating against us when we try to exit
5. As a result of factors such as whorephobia and ableism within the workplace where ppl can be discriminated against for being disabled and/or an ex or current sex worker , this can lead to ppl returning to sex work when this otherwise wouldn't have been considered
Inspired by @graceyswer 's blog

(End of thread)
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