It really bothers me that women are taught and trained to be submissive, be “wife material” and have various resources teaching “how to get a man” but men aren’t taught to respect, protect, or communicate. They aren’t taught how to be a husband or “how to find a wife.”
This is part of the problem with dating/courting today. Only half of the equation is being taught and we wonder why we can’t get the end result or things don’t work out.
We act like there’s a recipe for the perfect wife and there are definitive steps a woman must take to get a husband but we neglect to realize that there is no real rulebook on how to get married. Also, why prepare women to be wives but neglect to prepare men to be husbands?
We put so much emphasis on women being wife material and getting a man but forget that biblically speaking, the man pursues, the man puts in work to earn the wife, the man leaves his mother and father to be with his wife.
We have taught women to cook, clean and communicate so they’re ready for a husband but what have we taught the men to do to be ready for a wife???
Then we are surprised when a guy feels a woman is too assertive about what she does/doesn’t want or does/doesn’t tolerate. Men act shocked, caught off guard or annoyed when women won’t accept the bare minimum.
I’m just stating what I’ve seen in real life and on the TL.
I see a lot of guys doing the bare minimum and feeling that it should be accepted and be enough. Women are told their standards are too high or they expect too much. Women are seen as nagging for wanting to communicate and aggressive for asserting themselves.

Stop the madness.
This isn’t to say that this thread applies to all, but it’s what is commonly seen.

Women deserve better.
May I add that I mostly see black women treated this way? Black women deserve better.
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