WTF is going on?

I'm not seeing the angle here.

This is maybe the first time I have ADAMANTLY disagreed with you @realDonaldTrump

You are slapping each and every Patriot that supports you in the face with this tweet.

I'm extremely disappointed in how you've handled masks.
And before you jump on here telling me he is trolling I want you to think about that.

Trump wearing a mask will be used against us by libs. They arent going to stop wearing them because Trump gave in.

Patriots have spent months defying these unconstitutional mask mandates.
The fact that these masks are useless is common fucking knowledge to anybody with a functioning brain.

Trump knows this as well.

He was willing to tell the world to use HCQ, why is he not willing to tell the world the truth about the masks?
Also stop saying he was in a hospital.

I get that.

Why does he feel the need to retweet it a week later and connect mask wearing to patriotism?

Wearing a mask is the OPPOSITE of patriotism.

Why has he not made an EO that we cant be forced to wear one?
Next time your arguing with a liberal over wearing a mask and they find out your a Trump supporter...they will eat you alive with this tweet.
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